South Asian Countries

However, a few industries have already been born and are experiencing enormous growth, such as advanced robotics, autonomous vehicles, additive manufacturing/3-D printing, telecommunications and mobile phones, and biotechnology. The United States and Western Europe have made significant progress in all these industries. A brief overview of how these industries are growing in Asia, particularly in China, India, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan, will be discussed in the following sections. The British also dominated trade with China through their control of ports in Singapore and Hong Kong. The gross domestic products of India and China declined, while the GDPs of Western Europe and the United States increased . Japan’s Shinkansen train network is one of the world’s fastest high-speed railway lines.

Largest Countries In Asia 2022

In addition, the peoples of Asia have established the broadest variety of human adaptation found on any of the continents. Dubai’s rapid growth, warm climate, and luxurious lifestyle have attracted many foreigners to the city. Known as the “shopping capital of the Middle East,” Dubai has more than 70 shopping malls. Dubai has also been referred to as the “Expat Capital of the World” because of the foreign majority that lives in the city.

This support was influenced in part by political unrest during the 1970s and by demands to redistribute wealth and income to satisfy the ‘basic needs’ of the poor . However, the level of political commitment to PHC throughout the region has been weak, except in Vietnam. The thriving of such organizations clearly is related to the failure of documented migration systems and enhanced policing of migration is unlikely to solve the problem of undocumented migration. Improvement of official migration systems must be part of the increasing international effort to combat the people smuggling and trafficking which is especially rife in South and Southeast Asia. In countries of origin there is a need for information programs which provide potential migrants with detailed, accurate information about the costs of the migration process and the nature of the experience at the destination. The pressing issue of protection of migrants and migrant workers from the region is related to that of controlling the intermediaries in the migration process.

Southeast Asia

The 29th Annual ASEAN Ministerial Meeting, involving Foreign Ministers, issued a communiqué in Jakarta on 21 July. It called for the expeditious ratification of the SEANWFZ Treaty, and for an end to nuclear testing and the conclusion of a CTBT. The Ministers welcomed the progress in the implementation of the SEANWFZ Treaty, stressed the importance of direct consultation between ASEAN, and the NWS and considered this significant progress towards encouraging the accession of the NWS to the Protocol to the SEANWFZ Treaty.

Top 12 Largest Countries In Asia By Land Area United Nations:

On March 2, the 24th meeting of the ASEAN-EU Joint Cooperation Committee was held in Jakarta. In addition, an aggressive cut of subsidies in India has released funds for development needs, and an increase in ventures underpublic-private partnershipssuch as in renewable energy is also aiding the growth momentum. South Asian countries are expected to continue a strong growth trajectory in coming years--up to 6.7% is projected by the World Bank in 2021. Shobhit Seth is a freelance writer and an expert on commodities, stocks, alternative investments, cryptocurrency, as well as market and company news. In addition to being a derivatives trader and consultant, Shobhit has over 17 years of experience as a product manager and is the owner of He received his master's degree in financial management from the Netherlands and his Bachelor of Technology degree from India.

ACCT contains provisions intended to ease prosecution and extradition of terrorism suspects. The convention also aims to strengthen the region’s law enforcement against terrorism and its entry into force demonstrates compliance with all relevant UN Conventions and Protocols pertaining to counter-terrorism. On 18 November, ASEAN Foreign Ministers signed the Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management.

Get information on country economic data and analysis, development assistance, and regional initiatives. Outside Southeast Asia, such as in Japan and the United States of America, very rarely, specialization in Southeast Asian studies, or components of, has been considered highly desired in the job market of the public sector. Perhaps having a graduate-level qualification in Southeast Asian studies is more marketable in the public sector especially in government of semi-government bodies that deals with diplomatic relations or intelligence. It was the success of Vietnamese and Chinese innovatory public health policies that served as models for the World Health Organization's primary health care approach and goal of ‘Health for All by Year 2000’ enunciated in the Alma Ata Declaration of 1978. Since then all Southeast Asian countries have instituted some kind of PHC care system, and at least formal support for PHC principles of equity, popular participation, and affordable and culturally appropriate health care.

Asian Countries

The largest of the Asian countries by area is Russia, which occupies about 30% of the total territory of the continent. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have dramatically increased food insecurity in some of the poorest and most vulnerable countries in the Asia Pacific region. Join the Asia-Pacific Rural Development and Food Security Forum 2022 on March to learn more on critical issues on food security.

This is not unrelated to the fact that the awareness about ASEAN as a community has now become more generalized amongst the public hence the need for a more informed description on the different countries and societies within ASEAN . Impressionistic evidence would suggest that governmentally sponsored family planning programs have been the major reason for rising contraceptive use in Thailand, Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian countries with declining fertility. Family planning programs were instituted in many Southeast Asian countries in the 1970s, just about the same time that fertility began to edge downward in the region. Several authors have attributed the decline of fertility in Indonesia to a very successful family planning program there (Freedman et al. In 2010, Saudi Arabia was the world’s largest manufacturer of petroleum liquids, producing 10.07 million barrels of liquid fuels every day.


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